Friday, October 23, 2009

Rock n' Roll

Strange coincidence that the genre that has fueled a fire within so many hearts is the genre that I hope to fuel with my writing when the time comes for me to venture to a different city in the hopes of becoming a music writer. I have been delving into my Creem anthology of articles and interviews, only to become further engrossed in the literature that has been spurned from the making of great music since the dawn of time.

Having said this, I find that Austin is a city largely populated with musicians and music writers, and to fit the mold, you have to question where your integrity lies and which direction you wish to pursue. The Journalism department at UT has a certain clique feel to it where it can often be discouraging if you are not a part of it. Maybe this means that my work would be best as a freelance writer, I'm not sure. Either way, it does have an affect on a person's perception of talent and how that talent can be used, molded and shaped to befit a magazine that has seen many writers come and go (Rolling Stone).

I look at the writings of Austin Scaggs, Lester Bangs and Hunter S. Thompson, in the hopes that a journalistic pull will take over and place me in a stigma where I can feel that messages of great writers pulsating through my fingertips, in order to make me write a masterpiece...

I thought I had written a masterpiece. I did a profile on a drug-dealer, and I thought it was one of the best stories I had ever written. I was extremely proud of the responses I got from my most critical of friends; however, my journalism professor tore it to pieces, giving me a C on it. En serio? C? His comments were more along the lines of "you use superfluous language to sound smart when you should let the story write itself." "You're telling rather than showing." Now, I understand that he has been writing for a number of years, but writing is a practice that most people take their own pleasure from. Some people may like a piece, some may hate it. But that's writing...

I'm not sure of the significance of this post, just ramblin' thoughts, but either way, just a bit of sharing. Adios!

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