It's three in the morning, and I can't sleep. I've watched enough videos on Hulu that would warrant me to seclude myself in a cabin with no electricity and be completely fine with it. I've put on some music in the hopes that maybe my mind will go to a place where it feels at rest and permit me to fall asleep.
However, The Sonics is usually not a good choice of this type of endeavor. Maybe a little Ray Charles? I should probably play something that is soft, acoustic and sweet. I'd play Blue by Joni Mitchell, but I'm not sure if my mind can handle her voice right now. Don't get me wrong. It's beautiful when she hits those high notes, but sometimes, it can be a little much to take if you're not prepared for it.
This is just battered rambling, but I am such a shit. I still haven't fully listened to the CD's that a friend gave me for Christmas. And that's because both of them are really good albums, at least from what I've heard. I still can't get "The Boys Are Leaving Town" by Japandroids out of my head. I had never even heard of this band before he bought me their album. The other CD he bought me was Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys. That one was on constant replay in my iPod; however, being on vacation, I did not take on my journalistic habits and study the track listing or read the liner notes. You could say that I've become extremely lazy this past month. Maybe school wiped me out. All I know is when I hear the beginning of "Wouldn't It Be Nice," it makes me want to close my eyes, nod my head from side to side and just be comfortable in the moment and know that everything is going to be okay.
Finally, the eyes are getting tired. Typing is becoming a chore. And I think a new CD for sleeping is in order. Good night world.
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