Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Royal Flush

Snoop Dogg on The Price is Right...Cursive releases track from new album...Patti Smith writes song about Amy Winehouse...The Streets' Mike Skinner releasing a memoir...

Well, let's start off with the Snooooooop! I kind of thought it was hilarious that he would appear on The Price is Right...and forgive me for not knowing that Drew Carey is now the host. The last time I saw The Price is Right was when I was a kid and used to spend afternoons in the summer watching novelas with my grandma. Weird...but that's neither here nor there. So, Snoop Dogg made an appearance on the show, and one of the prizes was to see him in New Orleans. You can watch a clip below:

Also, Cursive has released a track from their upcoming album, I Am Gemini. Now, Cursive is another one of those bands I fell out of touch with, but their album, The Ugly Organ was a godsend while going through the mistrials of adolescence. But, you can hear the track and read more about the album here. You can also view a video of frontman Tim Kasher playing one of my favorite Cursive songs below:

In other news, one of my favorite singer/songwriters, Patti Smith, has announced that she wrote a song about Amy Winehouse, and it is going to be featured on her upcoming album. The song was one of those serendipitous moments which was born from a poem she wrote about the late singer. You can read more about it here.

I also thought it was kind of interesting that Mike Skinner of The Streets is going to publish a memoir. I've always liked memoirs more than autobiographies because I like that they focus on a particular part of someone's life, rather than telling the whole damn story, which more often than not, include uninteresting facts about someone's life. And...after reading Patti Smith's Just Kids, I definitely am in a more forgiving mood when it comes to reading about someone else's experiences. So, I am looking forward to this.

On a listening note...I've been listening to Album by Girls, and I've also been listening to Alondra de la Parra's Mi Alma Mexicana. It's always nice to throw in some classical for good measure. I feel it keeps one humble.

That's all I got for today...Peace.

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