Saturday, December 20, 2008


Man, it's been a while since I have written anything. Everything is pretty good right now. I am back in Corpus Christi for the Christmas break, which is pretty cool. I have had time to wind down instead of partying all the time, but sometimes, when it gets a little boring, I miss the parties.

On a different note, End of an Ear finally got the T. Rex cd that I have been wanting, and much to my dismay, I do not have the funds to buy the cd. My luck is withering as we speak. The last cd I was able to obtain is a band called Mad Juana, and the cd is called Bruja on the Corner. It was a cd that I had to review for KVRX, but the cd itself is pretty good. It's kind of gypsy punk with latin flavor, very much a cd for a wild drunken night in the city streets.

I'm almost finished reading The Fountainhead and it's so good. A few of my friends deny the validity of the book based on the fact of the writer's philosophy, but as a wise person once said, "You can say that the book showed you a world you did not know about, which is what writing is all about in the first place." I keep seeing the signs written before me that keep guiding me towards becoming a writer. Everything mixes and matches like a quilt of concepts and I feel like it's coveting me to make the right choices.

God is definitely speaking to me from so many directions. One thing that I have noticed is that my family has become very religious, not to say that we never were. It's just cool to see that my family is extremely happy in their faith and they feel they are choosing the right path. I'm young and still tongue-tied with everything. I love God and God guides me. I still make mistakes. I am nowhere near perfect. This is a struggle all in its own to determine how well I am justified in my actions, or whether my actions deserve no justifications whatsoever.

People will laugh. People will cry. People will raise their hands, and look to the sky. They might live in the moment, might try to get by, but to live within triumph, we do not have to die.

Some will seek fortune. Some might seek fame. Some might forget the background from which they came. We might walk with someone, might go it alone. But we don't need a map to tell us how to get home.


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