Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catch-Up Continues...

With each passing summer day, I find myself diving into that old CD/Record/Tape collection to see what stuff has gathered more dust, because the way I see it is the more dust you have on something, the stronger the need to unearth it. So, today I delved deep into my pile of CD's and unearthed The Further Adventures of Babes In Toyland by, well...Babes In Toyland. This only further propels my nasty obsession with ugly, thrashy, noisy grunge music. But hey, it's a worthy obsession nonetheless.

If you have never heard of this band, I dare you to check them out. Kat Bjelland not only wails on the guitar, but her voice is monstrous, yet angelic at times. Who can pull that off? Yeah yeah...Karen O and all that jazz. Either way, this compilation was a disc I bought my sophomore year of high school, and it has some live recordings of the band at Lollapolooza '93, and the '95 Readings Festival as well as previously unreleased material. It's a good buy for someone just getting into BIT.

Another great find was The Kinks' You Really Got Me, which is sort of a "best of" compilation that's comprised of material from 1964-1967. It's got some great songs on here, including fan-favorite "All Day and All of the Night," and "A Well Respected Man," which I'm sure some of you will remember from the movie Juno.

That's all I got for now...I'll leave you with a little song called "Hitchin' a Ride" by Vanity Fare. This song always reminds me of summer...don't know why. Peace!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Give It Back...

If you were "coming of age" in 2002, either in high school or in college, then there was no way Taking Back Sunday's Tell All Your Friends escaped your attention. Their focus on emotional, heaven-driven, alternative rock and roll helped make them an instant sensation. Hell, they even got four successful singles out of that LP. However, for me, after their second album Where You Want to Be, they kind of fell below my radar, and I stopped paying close attention to them.

Now, they are at it again, with a new album, coincidentally titled Taking Back Sunday coming out on Tuesday, the 28th. What makes this album seem special is the fact that it has the original line-up that was present on their (let's just fucking use this word) 'legendary' debut album. But, judging from the album's opening track, "El Paso," it seems like they focused too much on making heavy, bold, scream-conscious rock and roll, rather than steal with their whiny, lamenting brand of rock greatness. Intead, they come off like frustrated high-school semi-metal heads. Like most people say...every band must evolve. I'd just rather look the other way. You can view the video with the song below.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back To The GARAGE...

I begin this entry with a question: What is a music blogger to do when they've gone months and months without listening to music due to a hectic lifestyle and they've just been blessed with an immense amount of free time? Well, I'll tell you. We play catch-up! And so, due to this fun game of catch-up, I have been listening to music nonstop for the past week or so, and because of this, my music listening has gone toward a jumbled mix of various genres, like Paul Robeson's Favorite Songs, Adele's 21, and my favorite...The modern garage, psych revivalists!

Though I've mentioned these artists before, I have to pay them props again to further explain myself...Thee Oh Sees and Ty Segall.

I first came across Thee Oh Sees after watching them play at the Mohawk during SXSW, and they put on an excellent show. The energy was perfect, and the music was thrashy enough to not understand what the singers were yelling, but perfect enough to catch the key changes, and have a good idea of what would come next. I've been listening to their album The Master's Bedroom Is Worth Spending a Night In. It's got some great tunes (ie: "Visit Colonel," "Grease 2," and "Adult Acid"). In case I wasn't too clear, this was a recommendation.

Another recommendation comes in the form of me flaunting my admiration and astounding appreciation (wow, a lot of A's) for Ty Segall, another garage, psych prodigy (sort of). I've been listening to his 2010 release Melted, though Segall just came out with a new album, Goodbye Bread though I cannot comment on it because I haven't listened to it. But, what I like about Melted is Segall's youthful spontaneity and lack of uniform ideas. Though the album is one uniform concept, it still maintains a lack of structure, but it's a decent listen. Listen to tracks "Girlfriend" and "Imaginary Person." You won't regret it.

Oh, and check out The Kelley Deal 6000's Boom! Boom! Boom!. It's kind of the shit. Peace!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh Boy!

The real start of summer comes with a variety of factors/attributes/signals/etc. The days are longer, the nights are shorter, the heat presses on, and people naturally carry a more laid-back attitude, and for good reason. I've always enjoyed summer because summer also brings about more time to focus on music-listening, music-creating (in terms of ideas), and writing.

But this entry is going to focus on the summer bringing us the much-needed spirit of...BUDDY HOLLY! Yes, Fantasy Records and the Concord Music Group are giving us BH fans a fantastic gift, which is a tribute record, featuring the likes of My Morning Jacket, She & Him, Fiona Apple and John Brion, Patti Smith, and so much more.

I was a little apprehensive at first, when I saw the wide array of artists that would be providing their stylistic renditions of Buddy Holly's music, but after hearing some of the songs that are going to be on the album (which is to be released on June 28th), I placed all worry aside, and have been enjoying the songs for what they are, which are welcomed homages that represent the magic and dynamic rock and roll stipulations that Buddy Holly was famous for, before his unfortunate passing.

I think fans will like Julian Casablanca's version of "Rave On," for he carries a tinge of vocal styling that is very reminiscent of Buddy Holly's style, so in that sense, it's a very truthful cover, yet still remains original. My favorite song, so far, would have to be Fiona Apple and John Brion's cover of "Everyday." Her smokey vocals, and the song's production evoke the same ethereal quality as Holly's original version. Safe to say, I am very excited, and very much looking forward to this compilation.

If you want to listen to some of the songs, they are streaming here


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

After I graduate...

So...After recently graduating from college, everything is pretty much in the air. I haven't been writing so much, which is pretty apparent, considering I haven't published a blog entry in about three months. Hot damn, that's a long time.

Music listening? It's been at a stand-still. That last bands I got particularly excited about were Thee Oh Sees and Ty Segall. I guess I'm in a more garage state of mind these days. That's just where I find my home when I'm listening to music. I like when the songs are a little out of tune, the drums have very little production, and you can barely hear the lyrics. It's pure magic to me.

On a purchasing note, I took a break from buying records/cd's/tapes, and took to buying...BOOKS! My goal for the summer is to read at least one book a week, in the hopes that my speed-reading will take flight, and I'll be able to read as quick as lightning, and not just any particular book, but the hard classics as well. I recently acquired Jude The Obscure by Thomas Hardy, Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, and Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Let's just say, I'm pretty stocked up for the next month or so. I've also been reading like mad...I finished reading Eat, Pray, Love a week ago, then finally finished Sexus by Henry Miller, and I'm about 40 pages from finishing Franny and Zooey (if you don't know the author, shame!). So, it's safe to say that my summer goals are well under way, which include working out, eating better, finishing some unfinished art pieces, and reading as many books as I can until my heart is content...

...oh, and finding a job of course. I had an interview today for a place called Bankers Toolbox, Inc. which designs software for banking systems. I think the interview went okay, but we shall see if I'm marketing/sales assistant material in due time. Until then...the job search continues. I'm secretly hoping one of the many newspapers I've called and sent my resume to, will call me back, and realize that I am the writer they've been searching for their entire lives, and need me immediately. Snap to reality: let's just take it one day at a time.

Until next time...Peace!