Saturday, June 25, 2011

Give It Back...

If you were "coming of age" in 2002, either in high school or in college, then there was no way Taking Back Sunday's Tell All Your Friends escaped your attention. Their focus on emotional, heaven-driven, alternative rock and roll helped make them an instant sensation. Hell, they even got four successful singles out of that LP. However, for me, after their second album Where You Want to Be, they kind of fell below my radar, and I stopped paying close attention to them.

Now, they are at it again, with a new album, coincidentally titled Taking Back Sunday coming out on Tuesday, the 28th. What makes this album seem special is the fact that it has the original line-up that was present on their (let's just fucking use this word) 'legendary' debut album. But, judging from the album's opening track, "El Paso," it seems like they focused too much on making heavy, bold, scream-conscious rock and roll, rather than steal with their whiny, lamenting brand of rock greatness. Intead, they come off like frustrated high-school semi-metal heads. Like most people say...every band must evolve. I'd just rather look the other way. You can view the video with the song below.

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