Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Good News

Wow, it's so strange when you can feel the changes in the air.  Things are moving along so fast, that i don't even have time to stop and see where it's all going.  My friend Sarah just broke the news to me yesterday that she's moving to California to be with her man and start her life.  I'm happy for her, but damn, I'm gonna miss that girl.  

My family is doing excellent and even got my brother to go on a religious retreat with them, which only proves the power of God overrules everything.  

One of my best friends is moving to Egypt in a few months to study abroad. 

I am more than ever determined to go to NYU once I finish school here in Austin.  

ALSO, on an excellent note.  I actually got to do a phone interview with Vanessa Grigoriadis, my favorite writer from Rolling Stone, for a story for my journalism class.  WTF!!!!  She was THE SHIT!  If you don't read Rolling Stone, you should read it just for her features because every story she does, you cannot help but be intrigued.  In the past issue, she did a feature on Taylor Swift.  Personally, I don't like Taylor Swift, but the story was still amazing.  She can do no wrong.  Check her out...NOW.

Lately, I've been listening to The Heartless Bastards cd, Stairs and Elevators.  It's excellent, cool, straight-up rock n' roll.  Love it.  

That's all I got.  Peace.

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