Friday, September 23, 2011

Back To School...

So, upon hearing that my friend is taking The History of Rock N' Roll at UT, I immediately jumped on the band-wagon, so to speak, and decided to infiltrate her class, even though I graduated four months ago. I've gone to two sessions, taken excellent notes, and even consoled another student who got a bad grade on her quiz, though it was a quiz I didn't have to take because I'm not on the roster, ssshhh!

The class is great. It's not only a good, historical approach to the study of music, but it's also a social reflection on how we, as Americans, have adapted to music since the 1920's. Since I "entered" the class late, I arrived when they started discussing the 50's, so I missed the good stuff like Bessie Smith or Robert Johnson, but I have had the pleasure of hearing about The Everly Brothers, Richie Valens, Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper, and the displeasure of hearing about wholesome American heartthrobs like Fabian, Frankie Avalon and Paul Anka. So, it goes to show that the realm of "pop" and all the not-so-great things preduced from that station has been a constant trend for years and years, so it does leave some kind of refreshing entanglement that it's nothing new. If you are a product of the 80s or 90s, then you know it's a fact.

On top of that, my music listening has been growing more consistent. Lately, I've been listening to Beck's Stereopathetic Soul Manure, which I've never fully digested, and by God, I make these mistakes every time, but I'm glad that I'm finally getting more involved in it.

I've also been listening to...wait for it...The Everly Brothers, Richie Valens, and Buddy Holly! Class lectures are sticking to my mind, making me digest some music I've never heard from these artists, as well as those good old favorites that have stuck for years and years. Though The Everly Brothers fall into that 50's teen, heartthrob category, who can resist turning the volume up when this song comes up...

That's all I got for today. Peace!