Friday, December 23, 2011

A Christmas Carol Hiatus!

Nothing to note, yet I still like to gloat.

Well, there's nothing in particular that I found interesting in music news today, but for those of you who read for that specific purpose, here's a little glimpse. Paul McCartney made out like a bandit this year, Courtney Love is having problems with her landlady in New York and they are going to court in January to settle some claims of unpaid rent, Drake and Lil Wayne released a music video for a song I don't even know the name of (but could care less), and Rihanna also released a new music video.

So, now that that's out of the way, I get to share some thoughts. Christmas is one of those times that families can truly set aside whatever conflicts they may have to rejoice in this spirited holiday, or in reality, those conflicts can rear their ugly heads and Christmas can become a nightmare. For me, it's both. But, that's what makes it my favorite holiday. You never know what's coming at you, yet you go into it hopeful, and you come out of it with a little less sanity, and a little more life experience. I definitely want this Christmas experience to be more of a cleansing one, so I have decided to eliminate technology from my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations. No computer, no TV, just good old family fun, and whatever else Christmas is about.

So, I wish all of you guys a Merry Christmas! And I leave you with this little nugget. It's my favorite version of this song.


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