Friday, June 15, 2012

"Give Me Your Blues"

Apple's "Every Single Night" video...THE DOORS

So...I didn't really see anything in music news today that would warrant a mention on this weird and humble blog...except one thing, and apparently in music news, this would warrant a "you just NOW heard of that, that's so last week!" BUT...Fiona Apple (yes, I'm talking about her again) has released a video for her first single, titled "Every Single Night," and I don't even have to go into how genius this song is, or how great the album is going to be (and yes, I know that it's going to be great). You can view the video below, and make sure to pick up a copy of the album on Tuesday.

LISTENING: Today, I decided to kick my love of music old school and turn toward a band that changed high school for me. They're a little band called The Doors, fronted by a wonderful poet by the name, Jim Morrison. You've heard of them, I'm sure. Today, I took to listening to two of their albums, Morrison Hotel and LA Woman, their fifth and sixth albums. From stuff that I've read about the band, these albums became sort of their grounded, back-to-basics approach to writing and recording, whereas they had supposedly become a little weirder and less chart-topping on The Soft Parade. I can't really speak too knowledgeably about this because I wasn't around at that time, but I can most likely assume that if The Doors were getting "weirder," then it was probably an awesome detour on their already-illustrious road toward becoming legends at their craft. Songs I love from both of these albums include "The Changeling," "Peace Frog," "Maggie M'Gill," "Car Hiss By My Window," and personal favorite (and probably any Doors fan's favorite) "LA Woman." You can hear that track below:

That's all. PEACE.

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